Plantar Wart laser

Solemotion Painful Warts

Plantar Wart Laser

We use laser to precisely and effectively get rid of painful warts on the feet and support the body’s healing and repair systems.

A plantar wart, otherwise known as a verruca, is a living and growing entity that develops when a person contracts the HPV virus, most often through direct contact with someone else that has the virus. The term plantar refers to this type of wart being isolated to the bottom of the foot, while other forms of the virus cause warts elsewhere in the body.

Warts draw on the body’s blood supply, and can arise as a single wart or in clusters. When the wart is positioned over a bone or joint, like they often are when appearing at the ball of the foot, the bottom of the toe or the heel, they can become painful and difficult to walk on, making normal life and physical activity very uncomfortable. As warts can take years to go away on their own – if they do – this is the sign that effective treatment is needed.

While other treatment options like acids require a high number of treatments with sporadic results and some people responding better than others, laser in our clinic is proving to be a predictable and effective solution that gets rid of the wart in only one to two sessions, with the skin healed within three to four weeks. It is undoubtedly the most effective plantar wart treatment we have seen in our years of practice.

K-Laser For Plantar Wart Treatment

The K-Laser is one of the two types of lasers we have available at our clinic, and the one we use to get rid of warts on the feet. The K-laser works by producing infrared light that focuses on the wart tissue and targets the blood supply to the wart. A good blood supply is necessary to help maintain the growth and survival of plantar warts. By both destroying the viral tissue and cutting off the blood and nutrient supply to the wart, the wart tissue ultimately dies and falls off.

The K-Laser also stimulates vasodilation (increasing the size of the blood vessels in the immediate area), thereby helping the body clear the wart tissue while promoting the regeneration of new, healthy cells and healing the area. It may also alert the body to the presence of the wart, encouraging the immune response to clear the viral tissue.

The benefits of laser treatment for warts includes:


Many people opt to have small warts treated without any anaesthetic and report feeling ‘zings’ of heat being generated, paired with the sensitivity or existing discomfort of the wart itself. For larger warts or wart clusters, anaesthetic can be used to ensure you have a painless experience. Generally, the treatment is quick and requires significantly fewer sessions (approximately one or two) compared to the alternative treatments, so overall it’s over fairly quickly.

The laser is not suitable for those who:

  • Are pregnant – to date, there have been no studies on the safety of lasers in pregnancy
  • Have electronic implants such as pacemakers or spinal cord stimulators as they could interfere with their function. Wires, plates and screws are fine.
  • Have active cancer lesions
  • Have tattoos in the area where the wart is present
  • Are taking photosensitising drugs including roaccutane, doxycycline, trimethoprim sulfonamide and some antifungal medications
  • Have epilepsy
  • Those who have had a corticosteroid injection in the area in the past 10 days

The main side effects would be experiencing tenderness, discomfort or heating sensations at the site of the wart if you choose not to have anaesthetic with your treatment. These are usually short lived and appropriate over the counter pain relief may be used to help settle any symptoms. You may also notice some redness or swelling. Very occasionally, a blister may occur. Any side effects tend to be mild and resolve within seven days.

Using laser treatment, it is rare that a wart will return in the same area. As the warts are caused by viruses that remain in your body, it is possible that in the future you may develop new warts in other areas of the feet. These can then be treated with laser.

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